Where to find your User ID

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Locating your User ID is very helpful to the team in checking your account. A User ID is needed to easily locate the account whenever we receive an inquiry or any report that needs investigation. 


Here are the steps to locate your User ID:

  1. In the Moonbreaker Main screen, selecting the “Gear” icon at the top right of the screen will show a pop-up prompt. Screenshot_2022-10-07_203526.jpg
  2. From there, please select “Options”.Screenshot_2022-10-07_205553.jpg
  3. Another pop-up prompt will show containing your User ID. Your User ID is a combination of alphanumeric characters. This pop-up is where you can also check the version of the game you are playing. If we have released any updates, please make sure to check if you are playing the latest version of the game.Screenshot_2022-10-07_205803_version_1.jpg
  4. Double-click your User ID to copy it and include it in the message when you are sending us an inquiry or report.

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